Luther Memorial Church is collecting individually packaged food items for to support our collaboration with the York Suburban Impact Foundation (part of YSEF). This program started as“Food for Thought", a program that sent a backpack full of nutritious, shelf-stable meals and snacks home with Valley View and Indian Rock Elementary School students on the free or reduced school lunch list (whose families wish to participate) every weekend of the school year. The poverty rate in York Suburban school district is now 33% of the student body, which comes as a surprise to many.
- Weeding the Church Gardens - We are looking for help weeding the church gardens. If you have some time to stop by and pull weeds, we’d love your help. Make your own schedule and stay for whatever amount of time you like. Bring gloves if you have them.
- Knit or crochet? - Stitches of Love has a spot for you. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the church narthex at 1 p.m.